
  • Multimedia streaming is the continuous transmission of multimedia content, such as audio and video, from a source to a destination over a network. The goal is to provide a smooth and uninterrupted playback experience for end-users.

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP):

  • SCTP is a transport layer protocol designed to address the limitations of TCP and UDP.
  • It provides reliable, connection-oriented communication with features suitable for multimedia streaming.
  • SCTP supports multi-homing, allowing a single association (connection) to use multiple IP addresses. This can enhance fault tolerance and load balancing.

Key Features of SCTP for Multimedia Streaming:

  • Message-Oriented: SCTP is message-oriented, allowing applications to send messages as separate chunks. This can be advantageous for multimedia data, as it preserves message boundaries.
  • Multi-Stream Support: SCTP supports multiple streams within a single association, allowing for parallel transmission of data. This can enhance the efficiency of multimedia streaming.
  • Partial Reliability: SCTP supports partial reliability, enabling the sender to specify which chunks are critical for the application and need reliable delivery.

Benefits of SCTP in Multimedia Streaming:

  • Reliability: SCTP provides reliable and ordered delivery of messages.
  • Efficiency: Multi-stream support allows for concurrent data transmission, improving overall efficiency.
  • Adaptability: SCTP is adaptable to network changes and supports dynamic reconfiguration.


  • Limited Adoption: SCTP adoption has been slower compared to TCP and UDP.
  • Firewall and NAT Traversal: SCTP might face challenges with firewall and NAT traversal due to its less widespread usage.


  • SCTP is employed in various real-time communication applications, including Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), video conferencing, and multimedia streaming.