1. Introduction . — (3 hours)
    1. History [History of the Web]
    2. Internet and the web
    3. Client/server computing paradigm
  1. Web basics – (5 hours)
    1. Web documents and browsers
    2. HTML, XHTML, forms, CSS
    3. Crawling and information retrieval on the web
  1. Server-side programming (7 hours)
    1. Server-side scripting languages- PHP, JSP, Java Servlets, ASP.NET etc. [Server-side scripting]
    2. Backend database programming
    3. Multi-tier architecture
  1. Client-side scripting (4 hours)
    1. JavaScript basics
    2. JavaScript DOM
  2. Web applications – (6 hours)
    1. Content management systems
    2. Web application frameworks
    3. Online information systems and solutions
  3. Web 2.0 – (6 hours)
    1. Introduction [What Is Web 2.0]
    2. Blogs, wikis, social networking and collective intelligence
    3. Tagging-folksonomies
    4. AJAX
  4. Information representation and sharing – XML (5 hours)
    1. хмl documents, DTD
    2. Stylesheets and transformation – XSLT
    3. Information syndication- RSS
  5.  Web services -(4 hours)
    1. Service-oriented architecture 8.2 SOAP, WSDL, REST
  6. The Semantic Web (5 hours)
    1. Introduction [Semantic Web – W3C]
    2. RDF and Ontologies
    3. Linked Open Data
    4. Applications and Web 3.0
  7. Practical: 

    Regular lab sessions can be conducted related to web design, programming, client-side scripting, working with application framework, tools, etc.

    A number of practical assignments can be given for hands-on experience on web application development.


  8. Slides and handouts

  9. C. Jackson, “Web technologies: a computer Science Perspective

  10. H. M. Deitel, “Internet and World Wide Web: How to Program”
  11. G. McComb “Web Programming Languages”, John Wiley & Sons
  12. Marty Hall, “Core Web Programming”, Prentice Hal PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.