Lecture : 3 Year : II

Tutorial : 0 Part : II

Practical : 3

Course Objectives:

  • To provide fundamental knowledge of various data structures and their implementation
  • To provide the fundamental knowledge of various algorithms and their analysis


1. Concept of data structure (2 hours)

1.1 Introduction: data types, data structures and abstract data types

1.2 Introduction to algorithms

2. The Stack and Queue (6 hours)

2.1 Stack  operation

2.2 Stack application: Evaluation of Infix, Postfix and Prefix expressions

2.3 Operations in queue, Enqueue and Dequeue

2.4 Linear and circular queue

2.5 Priority queue

3. List ( 3 hours )

3.1 Definition

1.1.1 Static and dynamic list structure

1.1.2 Array implementation of lists

1.1.3 Queues as list

4. Linked lists ( 5 hours )

4.1 Dynamic implementation

4.2 Operations in linked list

4.3 Linked stacks and queues

4.4 Doubly linked lists and its applications

5. Recursion ( 4 hours )

5.1 Principle of recursion

5.2 TOH and  Fibonacci sequence

5.3 Applications of recursion

6. Trees ( 7 hours )

6.1 Concept

6.2 Operation in Binary tree

6.3 Tree search, insertion/deletions

6.4 Tree traversals (pre-order, post-order and  in-order)

6.5 Height, level and depth of  a tree

6.6 AVL balanced trees and  Balancing algorithm

6.7 The Huffman algorithm

6.8 B-Tree

6.9 Red Black Tree

7. Sorting ( 5 hours )

7.1 Types of sorting: internal and external

7.2 Insertion and selection sort

7.3 Exchange sort

7.4 Merge and Redix sort

7.5 Shell sort

7.6 Heap sort as a priority queue

7.7 Big ‘O’ notation and Efficiency of sorting

8. Searching ( 5 hours )

8.1 Search technique

8.2 Sequential, Binary and Tree search

8.3 General search tree

8.4 Hashing

8.1.1 Hash function and hash tables

8.1.2 Collision resolution technique

9. Growth Functions ( 2 hours)

Asymptotic notations: θ , O, Ω , o,ω notations and their properties

10. Graphs ( 6 hours )

10.1 Representation and applications

10.2 Transitive closure

10.3 Warshall’s algorithm

10.4 Graphs type

10.5   Graph traversal and Spanning forests

10.5.1 Depth First Traversal and Breadth First Traversal

10.5.2 Topological sorting: Depth first, Breadth first topological sorting

10.5.3 Minimum spanning trees, Prim’s, Kruskal’s and Round-Robin algorithms

10.6 Shortest-path algorithm

10.6.1 Greedy algorithm

10.6.2 Dijkstra’s Algorithm


There shall be 10 to 12 lab exercises based on C or C++

1. Implementation of stack

2. Implementations of linear and circular queues

3. Solutions of TOH and Fibonacci sequence by Recursion

4. Implementations of linked list: singly and doubly linked list

5. Implementation of trees: AVL trees, and balancing

6. Implementation of Merge sort

7. Implementation of search: sequential, Binary and Tree search

8. Implementation of Graphs: Graph Traversals

9. Implementation of hashing

10. Implementation of Heap


1. Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein and A. M Tenenbaum, “Data Structures using C and C++”, PHI

2. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, C. Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms”, PHI

3. G.W. Rowe, “Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithms with C and C++”, PHI

4. R. L. Kruse, B. P. Leung, C. L. Tondo, “Data Structure and Program design in C”, PHI

5. G. Brassard and P. Bratley, “Fundamentals of Algorithms”, PHI