Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an innovative approach to network management that allows administrators to control and manage network resources dynamically. SDN separates the control plane from the data plane, introducing a centralized controller that makes decisions about where traffic should be sent and configures the devices in the network accordingly. Here are the key features and the separation of data and control plane in SDN:

Features of SDN:

  • Centralized Control:
    • SDN introduces a centralized controller, which acts as the "brain" of the network. It makes decisions based on the network state and policies, providing a centralized view and control over the entire network.
  • Programmability:
    • SDN allows for programmability of the network through open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This enables network administrators to write applications that can dynamically adjust and control the network behavior.
  • Abstraction of Network Services:
    • SDN abstracts network services from the underlying hardware. This allows for easier management, flexibility, and the ability to treat the network as a whole rather than dealing with individual devices.
  • Dynamic Configuration:
    • SDN enables dynamic and automated configuration of network devices. Changes in the network can be implemented through software without manual intervention, improving agility and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Traffic Engineering and Optimization:
    • With a centralized view of the network, SDN facilitates better traffic engineering and optimization. The controller can make decisions in real-time to optimize the flow of traffic based on network conditions and policies.

Data and Control Plane Separation in SDN:

  • Data Plane:
    • The data plane, also known as the forwarding plane, is responsible for the actual transmission of data packets within the network.
    • In SDN, the data plane remains in network devices (such as switches and routers) and is responsible for packet forwarding based on the instructions received from the controller.
  • Control Plane:
    • The control plane is responsible for making decisions about how data traffic should be handled in the network.
    • In SDN, the control plane is centralized and resides in the SDN controller. It communicates with the data plane devices, providing them with instructions on how to handle traffic.