SET 7

Group 'A' (Long questions)

Attempt any TWO questions   2x10=20

  1. What are characteristics of maturity level? Explain in detail.
  2. Explain in detail E governance architecture.
  3. Write briefly about E-Governance in China

Group 'B' (Short questions)

Attempt all the questions (8x5=40)

  1. How can we use the data ware house and data mining concept in census data. Discuss.
  2. Write about Evolution of E governance.
  3. What is the content of e governance? Explain in detail. 
  4. Discuss different IT tools that are used to deliver services to citizens.
  5. Explain Online Service Delivery and Electronic Service Delivery with proper example.
  6. Discuss the instutionalized level of maturity model in detail.
  7. Write short note on Sachivalaya.
  8. Write about any five Security Management Model.