SET 8

Group 'A' (Long questions)

Attempt any TWO questions   2x10=20

  1. What is digital governance model? Explain the different type of model of E governnace with prime focus on principle, application, evaluation and various project based on these models.
  2. Explain the current trend of development of E governance in Nepal.
  3. Explain E-Government Architecture with proper diagram.

Group 'B' (Short questions)

Attempt all the questions (8x5=40)

  1. What are the Benefits of E-Government? 
  2. What is Data Center? Write about its benefit.
  3. Write short note on Vahini.
  4. What are the Challenges and Approach of E-government Security
  5. How can we achieve Good Governance through E-Governance Models
  6. Write about General Information Services of National Informatics
  7. What is Data Warehousing and Data Mining? Explain its application in Agriculture, Rural Development, Health.
  8. Explain Broadcasting/Wider Dissemination Model with its application.