A virtual community refers to a social network where individuals connect via particular social media platforms, potentially transcending geographical and political boundaries, with the shared aim of pursuing common interests or goals.


This model organizes and supports the opinions and concerns voiced by the general public, transcending barriers like geography, government, and institutions. It facilitates coordinated actions. The strength of this model lies in aggregating and mobilizing opinions, ideas, or expertise within a virtual community through online networking. Hence, it is referred to as a mobilizing/lobbying model.

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The E-Advocacy/Mobilization and Lobbying Model stands out as a commonly employed digital governance framework, frequently assisting civil society organizations in developing nations to influence international decision-making processes.

This model adopts a dynamic approach by creating virtual communities that share common values and concerns, actively facilitating information exchange among these communities, and establishing connections with real-world activities.



  • Promoting public discussions on global issues, upcoming conference themes, treaties, etc.
  • Establishing pressure groups to exert influence on decision-makers and ensure their awareness of common concerns.
  • Amplifying the voices of marginalized groups, such as backward classes or minorities traditionally excluded from the decision-making process.
  • Fostering broader participation in decision-making processes.