
The model aims to empower individuals by comparing instances of poor governance with those of effective governance. It seeks to identify specific aspects of inadequacies in governance, understand the underlying reasons and individuals responsible, and propose strategies for improvement. Leveraging the extensive capabilities of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and social media tools, the model delves into provided information sets, comparing them with comparable data available in the public or private domain.

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Consider this scenario: If a specific sum of money has the capacity to construct 5 primary schools in District 'A' of a country, why does the identical amount of funds result in the construction of only 2 schools in District 'B'? Is this discrepancy attributed to corruption among officials and contractors, or is the money being diverted for alternative purposes? The ultimate goal is to extract strategic insights and empower stakeholders, potentially serving as a foundation for proactive measures, such as initiating a Right to Information (RTI) filing to trace the allocation of funds.



Extracting lessons from previous policies and actions to inform future policy-making endeavors.

Assessing the efficacy of existing policies to pinpoint valuable insights regarding their strengths and weaknesses.

Evaluating the performance and track record of a specific decision-maker or decision-making body.


Failure of the Model
The effectiveness of the model relies on the presence of comparative information sets and the users' capability to analyze and articulate compelling arguments based on the analysis. However, the model loses its efficacy when confronted with a lack of robust civil society engagement and a limited collective memory within the public sphere.