

The model is based on broadcasting information of 'critical' value (which by its very nature will not be disclosed by those involved with bad governance practices) to targeted audiences using ICTs and other tools. 

Targeted audience 

Targeted audience may include media, affected parties, opposition parties, judicial bench, independent investigators or the general public. 

Those who would disclose such information could include upright officials and workers, affected parties and those who were themselves involved in bad governance practices but have now changed their minds or may wish to trade such information for forgiving punishments.  This reduces the cases of exploitative governance.


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  • Making available corruption related data about a particular Ministry / Division/ Officials online to the concerned regulatory body. 
  • Making available Research studies, Enquiry reports commissioned by the Government or Independent commissions to the affected parties. 
  • Making Human Rights Violations cases freely available to Judiciary, NGOs and concerned citizens. 
  • Making available information that is usually suppressed, for instance, Environmental Information on radioactivity spills, effluents discharge, information on green ratings of the company to the concerned community. 

     Failure of Model


  • The model will not work in cases where government mechanisms do not encourage public debates and disapprove all information of critical nature. 
  • It will also fail where the government maintains a tight control over all information. 
  • There it remains restricted to top few levels of the government. Inherently the Internet is an open medium. 