
The Interactive-Service Model serves as a synthesis of previous digital governance frameworks, paving the way for direct individual involvement in governance processes. It comprehensively harnesses the capabilities of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), fostering increased participation, efficiency, and transparency in government operations. This model not only facilitates greater engagement but also leads to time and cost savings in decision-making processes.

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The Interactive-Service Model enables direct access for citizens to a range of government services. It establishes an interactive Government-to-Consumer-to-Government (G2C2G) channel in functions like the election of government officials (E-ballots), tax return filing, procurement of government services, expression of concerns, provision of expertise, and the facilitation of opinion polls on public issues.


  • Establishing interactive communication channels with crucial policy-makers and planning commission members.
  • Conducting electronic ballots for the selection of government officials and other officeholders.
  • Organizing public debates and opinion polls on issues of broad concern before shaping policies and legislative frameworks.
  • Enabling citizens to file feedback and reports directly with the relevant governmental body.
  • Executing governance functions online, including revenue collection, tax filing, governmental procurement, and payment transfers.

This model is deeply integrated into digital governance initiatives in developed nations and has frequently been recommended for adoption in developing countries. Its implementation in developing countries poses challenges due to the lack of widespread individual access to secure ICT infrastructure.

Nevertheless, the prevailing trend indicates a shift towards this model, and it is anticipated that, with suitable adjustments for local adaptation, it will eventually be implemented in all countries.