A Tactical Information System (TIS) refers to an information system that supports the day-to-day operations and decision-making of an organization at the tactical level. Tactical information systems bridge the gap between strategic planning (long-term goals) and operational execution (short-term tasks) by providing managers and decision-makers with the information needed to implement the organization's strategies.

Key characteristics and functions of Tactical Information Systems:

Time Horizon:

Focus: Medium-term planning covering one to three years.

Purpose: Helps in translating strategic plans into specific actions and resource allocations for various departments or units.

Decision Support:

Role: Provides decision support at the operational and tactical levels.

Functions: Assists in analyzing data related to day-to-day operations and making informed decisions that contribute to achieving organizational goals.

Data Integration:

Scope: Integrates data from various sources within the organization, providing a comprehensive view of operational activities.

Examples: Integrating data from different departments such as finance, sales, and production to provide a holistic perspective.


Purpose: Coordinates activities within and between departments to ensure efficient execution of plans.

Examples: Coordinating production schedules with inventory levels, sales forecasts, and supply chain activities.

Resource Allocation:

Role: Assists in allocating resources (human, financial, and material) to support operational activities.

Examples: Allocating budgets, assigning personnel, and managing inventory levels based on operational needs.

Monitoring and Control:

Functionality: Monitors ongoing operations and provides control mechanisms to ensure that activities align with tactical plans.

Examples: Real-time monitoring of production processes, inventory levels, and quality control measures.

Reporting and Analysis:

Purpose: Generates reports and conducts analyses related to operational performance.

Examples: Operational reports on sales performance, production efficiency, and resource utilization.

Communication Support:

Role: Supports communication within and between departments to facilitate the flow of information.

Examples: Messaging systems, collaboration platforms, and information-sharing tools.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Use: Monitors and reports on key performance indicators relevant to operational and tactical objectives.

Examples: KPIs related to production efficiency, sales targets, and customer satisfaction.


Tactical Information Systems play a crucial role in supporting the day-to-day operational activities of an organization. They provide decision support, coordination, monitoring, and communication tools to ensure that operational activities align with the organization's overall strategic objectives.