Interoperability Framework is Set of standards and guidelines which describe the way in which organizations have agreed, or should agree, to interact with each other.

An e-government Interoperability Framework (IF) serves as a foundational document or set of documents that outlines policies, guidelines, and standards for enabling interoperability among government agencies to facilitate the joint delivery of public services. 


  • Policies: The IF establishes overarching policies that govern how government agencies should collaborate and share information to deliver public services effectively. 
  • Guidelines: The IF provides detailed guidelines and best practices to help government agencies implement interoperability effectively. These guidelines may cover areas such as data exchange protocols.
  • Data Governance: The IF addresses data governance principles and practices to ensure the quality, integrity, and security of government data shared across agencies. 
  • Security and Privacy: The IF outlines security and privacy requirements that agencies must follow to protect sensitive information and mitigate cybersecurity risks when exchanging data and collaborating on public service delivery. 

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The interoperability levels related to the sharing of information are mainly classified into:

Organizational Interoperability :(Organizational interoperability is concerned with how different organizations collaborate to achieve their mutually agreed e-government goals.

Semantic Interoperability (Enabling data to be interpreted & processed with the same meaning, etc.) 

Technical Interoperability Technical interoperability covers the applications and infrastructures linking systems and services.

Political: In Political context, support and commitment from authority, provisioning of policies / guidelines, strategies over different levels of interoperability are expected. 

Legal: Legal factors include legal-power assigned to system  for data protection and privacy information of the citizen. 

Managerial: For issues like training, motivation, reorientation of concerned staff from public agencies. 

Economic: For funding related issues. 

Social/Cultural: Social / Cultural factors like differences in culture, working practices, issues of trust, timings, social exclusion issues have more influence.