The architecture model emphasizes the importance of user engagement, efficiency through streamlined processes, collaboration, and the use of technology standards for data sharing and service delivery. It suggests a comprehensive approach to e-governance, aligning business processes with information and technology architectures to enhance government services in a devolved setting. 

  • Presentation Layer:
    • The presentation layer is the user interface through which citizens and businesses interact with e-government services. It includes web interfaces, mobile apps, and other user-facing components designed to provide intuitive and user-friendly access to government information and services.
  • E-Government Layer:
    • Objective: Achieve an informed, well-organized, and controlled government that optimizes services for counties and national governments.
    • Key Functions:
      • Is focused on better services towards countries and national governments 
      • Will not allow its facilities to be misused 
      • Is well informed
      • Is efficiently organized and in control of its internal affairs. 
  • Business Architecture Layer:
    • Objective: Streamline processes, promote collaboration, and provide a functional view of government lines of business.
    • Key Functions:
      • Describes government business functions.
      • Facilitates collaboration.
      • aims to simplify the existing processes and procedures, 
      • reduce the manual touch points and 
      • make the entire transaction cycle friendly. 
      • including its internal operations and services for citizens,
  • Information Architecture Layer:
    • The information architecture layer in e-government architecture focuses on the organization, structure, and management of information assets within digital government systems.
    • It encompasses the design and implementation of data models, databases, metadata, and other components that govern how information is captured, stored, processed, and accessed.
  • Technology Architecture Layer:
    • In e-government architecture, the technological architecture layer focuses on the specific technologies and infrastructure components that support the implementation and operation of digital government services.
    • This layer encompasses the hardware, software, networking, and communication technologies utilized to build and maintain e-government systems.