Information retrieval refers to the process of acquiring information resources that are pertinent to a specific information need from a pool of available resources. This activity involves conducting searches, which can be founded on metadata or utilize full-text indexing.

Automated information retrieval systems play a crucial role in addressing the challenge commonly referred to as "information overload." These systems are designed to streamline and manage the overwhelming volume of information, facilitating more efficient access to relevant resources based on user needs.


In Cloud-based Information Retrieval, users seek information through queries or browsing. In tag querying, users input one or more tags into the search box, obtaining an ordered list of resources related to these tags. The system not only presents this list but also offers a set of related tags, facilitating hypertext browsing by identifying tags with a high degree of co-occurrence with the original tag. Typically, this refers to the automated retrieval of documents.

Cloud-based Information Retrieval System (IRS)

A Cloud-based Information Retrieval System is capable of storing, retrieving, and maintaining various types of information, including text, images, audio, video, and multimedia objects. It encompasses a set of rules and procedures for operations such as indexing, search formulation, searching, and index language construction.

Functions of Cloud-based Information Retrieval System

The fundamental functions include:

i. Identifying sources of information relevant to the target users' community.

ii. Analyzing the contents of sources (documents).

iii. Representing the contents of analyzed sources for matching with users' queries.

iv. Matching the search statement with the stored database.

v. Retrieving relevant information.

Components of Cloud-based Information Retrieval

Information retrieval primarily involves four components:

a. Information Carrier:

An information carrier is something that carries or stores information, such as film, magnetic tape, CD, DVD, etc.

b. Descriptor:

A term or terminology used for searching information, known as a descriptor, serves as keywords for information retrieval.

c. Document Address:

Each document must have an address that identifies its location, such as ISBN, ISSN, code number, call number, shelf number, or file number.

d. Transmission of Information:

Transmission of information involves supplying a document to users when needed. Information retrieval systems utilize various communication channels or networking tools for this purpose.