Evolution of E-governance 

  • Initiatives were take up as early as 1972 by Chile  
  • Prof. Stafford Beer implemented for President Allende of Chile, the first  governance software that would help the government survive a severe crisis.  
  • Major contribution by US Vice President Al Gore in early 1990s which rooted  worldwide in the information superhighway. 
  • Widespread in US, UK, Canada, Australia and India  
  • Focus largely on development of infrastructure such as fiber optic networks also concept of Information Society or Knowledge Society evolved  
  • E-governance came into a formalized and focused manner with partial success to  implement Information System in the government departments and public  organizations  
  • During the 1980s and 90s, the government. all over the world lagged behind the commercial  world in accepting and implementing ICT.  
  • Commercial and industrial world went far ahead all over the world in harnessing  the potential of ICT in their core and peripheral activities. They used ICT to reach  out to their customers and business partners, thereby impressively enhancing their  quality, speed and convenience.  
  • Visible success cases of use of ICT  
  • – ATM services  
  • – 24 hour call center  
  • – E-Shopping  
  • Software export increase (banking, financial, aviation, industrial sector from India,  Ireland, Israel, China)  
  • 1990s and 2000 - Development of ITES (IT enabled Society)  that resulted in remote services like call centers, data entry  


Scope of E-Governance:

The scope of e-governance is vast and covers various aspects of government functions:

Service Delivery: E-governance aims to provide efficient and convenient services to citizens and businesses. This includes online forms, payment systems, and digital access to government information.

Information Dissemination: Governments use digital platforms to communicate information about policies, programs, and initiatives to the public. This enhances transparency and public awareness.

Citizen Participation: E-governance encourages citizen involvement in decision-making processes through online consultations, surveys, and feedback mechanisms. It promotes a more inclusive and participatory governance model.

Internal Government Processes: E-governance includes the digitization and automation of internal government processes, leading to increased efficiency, reduced paperwork, and better resource management.

Data Management: E-governance involves the efficient management and utilization of data for policy making, analysis, and decision support. Data-driven governance enhances evidence-based decision-making.

Security and Privacy: Ensuring the security of electronic transactions and protecting citizens' privacy are critical components of e-governance. Robust cybersecurity measures are essential to maintain trust.


Content of E-Governance:

  The content of e-governance includes a variety of digital elements:

Government Websites: Official websites serve as a primary source of information, providing details about government services, policies, and contact information.

Online Forms: Citizens can access and submit various forms, such as applications for permits, licenses, and benefits, online.

Digital Platforms: Social media, mobile applications, and other digital platforms are used for communication, outreach, and interaction with citizens.

E-Services: Online services encompass a range of transactions, from tax payments and license renewals to accessing public records and applying for government programs.

Data Portals: Governments may provide open data portals that allow citizens and businesses to access and use government data for various purposes.

Electronic ID Systems: Digital identity systems enable secure online transactions and access to personalized services.