"Collectorate 2000" is a program initiated by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) with the objective of designing, developing, and implementing a new suite of software modules for the computerization of Collectorates. This case study provides an overview of the background, features, and capabilities of the software modules employed in the computerization of Collectorates in Andhra Pradesh.

In the late 1980s, NIC launched the NICNET program, establishing an All India Satellite-based Government Informatics Network that connected District Collectorates, State Government Secretariats, and Central Government Offices in Delhi through a VSAT-based network known as NICNET. By 1988, VSATs (C200 model) had been installed in all District Collectorates with a speed of 1.2 kbps, accompanied by a computer system and two Technical Officers from NIC. In the mid-1990s, the NICNET facility was upgraded with an IPA/FTDMA VSAT Earth Station operating at a speed of 64 kbps (shared) to facilitate Internet browsing in the Collectorate.

The inception of the "Collectorate 2000" project in April/May 2000, led by the National Informatics Centre's AP State Unit, aimed to comprehensively address all functional processes within the District Collectorate. As the seat of the State Government in the District, the Collectorate accommodates representatives from all State Government Departments and their associated offices.


  • encompassing the revenue functions, 
  • land related matters and the magisterial 
  • functions dealing with Law and Order, Arms Licenses, etc.,
  • Welfare schemes, relief and rehabilitation 

The Collectorate 2000 software developed by National Informatics Centre (AP State Unit), Government of India, Ministry of Information Technology, attempts at automating all the above identified functions with about 24 software modules, each module relating to individual function. 


Table: List of Software Module in Collectorate 2000 Software








Land Alienation 


Land Assignment


Land Encroachment


Land Transfer


Land Acquisition


Land Lease




Land Revenue (DCB)




Revenue Recovery 


Crop Damage


Court Cases-Collectorate


Magisterial Functions


Gun Licenses


Gun Licenses




Food and Civil Supplies


Family Welfare




Welfare Schemes


Disabled Welfare






Drinking Water 


Freedom Fighter Pension




Petition Monitoring (Web based)


Govt. Orders


G.Os Databse (Web based)


Geographic Information System (GIS)


GIS for District Level



The following is a brief description of each of the major modules of Collectorate 2000;

  1. Land Alienation and Land Transfer Module

Allotment of Government land to Government/Private Organizations for public purpose is known as Land Alienation. In case it is allotted to State Government department/undertakings, State Government undertakings, local bodies, or private organizations. The alienation (i.e. allotment) can be on payment of market value by the applicant r for free of cost. 

Scope of the Module

This module covers the various stages in the processing of an application for land alienation, i.e. from registering the request details to approving the case and storing the remittance particulars. Various actions performed by the officials at different levels involved in the process are recorded into the system. 

Features of the System

  • Security provided through user login.
  • Privileges of action based on designation.
  • Integration with a separate product which handles File Monitoring. 
  • Can be operated in standalone mode or in association with File Monitoring System.

2. Land Assignment

Allotment of government land to individuals belonging to certain categories like landless poor or ex-servicemen, freedom fighters/sufferers, etc. for housing or agriculture purpose is known as Land Assignment.

Scope of the module

a. Under beneficiary details

  • Beneficiary name.
  • Address of the beneficiary
  • SSID (Social Security Identification No.)
  • Father/Husband name of the beneficiary
  • SSID No. of father/husband
  • Sex, Age, Caste
  • Category (Landless poor/Ex-servicemen/Freedom fighter etc.)
  • Annual income
  • Type of land assigned
  • Location details of assignment like
  • Village, Survey No., Extent of land assigned
  • Assignment date

b. Under Monthly Progress reporters: The data on number of beneficiaries persons affected and the extent of area on the following items:

  • Illegal assignments
  • Sivai Jamadar Occupied and regularized
  • Illegal Sivai Jamadars Occupied and evicted
  • Encroachments reported
  • Cancellation order issued  
  • Evictions made


a. Beneficiaries lists (Mandal/Sub-division 

b. Consolidated Report (District-Total) for Statement-I, Statement – II, Statement–III.,

3. Land Revenue

The objectives is to consolidate Agricultural Land revenue and Non-agricultural Land Assessment (NALA) at the District Collectorate form the Mandals for monitoring the collection of Revenue. NALA is the revenue from the residential, commercial and industrial establishments. 

Both the Agricultural Land Revenue and the Non Agricultural Land Revenue include statements of the Demand Collection and Balance (DCB) and the Non Collectable Balance (NCB). The Statement of DCB is consolidated daily/weekly/monthly. Non-collectable balance is consolidated monthly. 

The district-wise consolidated statements are sent to the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.


DCB, Demand, Collection and Balance of Agricultural Land Revenue. This is captured daily/weekly/monthly. 

NCB. Monthly statement of Non Collectable Balance of Agriculture Land. 

NALA-DCB. Demand, Collection and Balance of Non Agricultural Assessment. This is captured daily/weekly/monthly.

NCB. Monthly statement of Non- collectable Balance of Non Agricultural Assessment.


a. District level consolidated daily/weekly/monthly reports of DCB of Agricultural Land Revenue to be sent to Chief commissioner of land administration. 

b. District level consolidated monthly reports of Non Collectable Balance of Agricultural Land Revenue.

c. District level consolidated daily/weekly/monthly reports of DCB of Non Agricultural Land Assessment (NALA).

d. District level consolidated monthly reports of Non Collectable Balance of NALA.

4. Food and Civil Supplies

Food and Civil Supplies module allots essential commodities like rice, wheat, sugar, kerosene oil, etc. to fair price shops based on a criteria and card strength in a shop. Dealers Certificates and Photo Identify Cards are generated using the scanned images of photographs of the dealers and monitors the stock lifting and Fair Price Shops performance.

The major modules of the system are:

  • Dealer's information, ration card and stock backlog details 
  • Allotment of essential commodities 
  • Lifting of essential commodities.
  • Inspection of the fair price shops
  • District-wise/mandal-wise/shop-wise reports to cater to the needs of users.     

5.  Gruharaksha

Gruharaksha is an insurance scheme for Below Poverty Line (BPL) familiars to cover the loss or damage to their dwellings due to natural calamities. 

The major models of the system are:

  • Acceptance of claimants details and its scrutiny
  • Calculating eligibility amount monitors the sanction/budgets 
  • Storing the dispatch details
  • Reimbursement of money from insurance firm.

6. Apatbandhu

Apathandhu scheme is a social security scheme launched by Government of Andhra Pradesh. If a bread earner dies due to accident, the scheme provides assistance to legal heirs of bread earner. The scheme is applicable to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. The scheme is launched in collaboration with New India Assurance Company Ltd. (NIAC). The software designed automatics the complete scheme starting from allocation of budge to districts upto the sanction of assistance to claimants.

Major components of the module are:

  • Maintaining the budget.
  • Acceptance of the claim from received from the Mandal Revenue Officers.
  • Sanction of assistance
  • Generating the statutory claim forms as prescribed by NIAC-both for the road accidents and other than road accidents.
  • Automating the budget availability based on the reimbursements received from NIAC.

The scheme covered are

  • Family Welfare (FW)
  • Reproductive Child Health (RCH)

7. Law and Order Information System

This module is an excellent monitoring and decision support tool to the collectorate, In all the colle4ctorates the matters concerning law and order are dealt by seat C1 under section C. Various issue dealt with are:

i. Extremists and naxalities

  • Surrendered extremists
  • Civilians killed /injured by extremists
  • Property damaged by extremists

ii. Deaths occurring in 

  • Lockups
  • Communal violences
  • Open Firing
  • Accidents

8. Drinking Water Program Monitoring System 

This package deals with works monitoring during adverse seasonal conditions in the mandals within a district. The details on fund estimation, release and utilization with respect to various schemes/works are maintained and monitored in the system.

Features of the System

  • Entry of normal and the actual rainfall details and cost estimates received at the Collectorate from the executing agencies on the  works to be taken up.
  • Release of respective amounts to the executing agencies 
  • Capture of details on different stages of work like administrative, technical sanctions and grounding, completion of work Generation of mandal abstract on schemes of works taken up by different executing agencies with details on fund estimates, releases and expenditure.
  • Provision of a template with District/Mandal/Villages, inancila year, Scheme/Work and Estimates/Release /Expenditure/Concsolidated options for generating various free format reports.