A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a client (such as a web browser) and a destination server. It plays a crucial role in facilitating various network services, enhancing security, and improving performance.A proxy server sits between a client and a destination server, forwarding requests and responses between them. This intermediary role allows the proxy to manage and control communication between the client and server.

Proxy servers can provide a level of anonymity for users by masking their IP addresses. When a user connects to a website through a proxy, the website sees the IP address of the proxy server instead of the user's actual IP address.Organizations often use proxy servers to implement content filtering and access control policies. This allows administrators to restrict access to certain websites or content categories, helping to enforce security policies and regulations.

Proxies can cache frequently requested resources locally. When a client requests a cached resource, the proxy can deliver it directly, reducing the load on the destination server and improving response times.

Working of Proxy Server

The working of a proxy server involves acting as an intermediary between a client (such as a web browser or other applications) and a destination server. 

Client Request:

  • A user initiates a request by trying to access a resource (e.g., a website) through their web browser or another client application.

Proxy Server Interaction:

  • Instead of connecting directly to the destination server, the client sends its request to the proxy server.

Proxy Server Evaluation:

  • The proxy server evaluates the request based on its configuration and policies. This evaluation can involve various factors such as content filtering, access control, and caching rules.

Connection to Destination Server:

  • If the proxy server determines that the request is allowed, it establishes a connection to the destination server on behalf of the client.

Forwarding Request:

  • The proxy forwards the client's request to the destination server, acting as an intermediary. The destination server sees the request as coming from the proxy server, not the original client.

Destination Server Response:

  • The destination server processes the request and sends back the response to the proxy server.

Proxy Server Processing:

  • The proxy server receives the response and may perform additional actions, such as caching the content for future requests or applying security measures like content filtering.

Response to Client:

  • The proxy server sends the response back to the client as if it came directly from the destination server.

Client Interaction:

  • The client receives the response and interacts with the content as usual, unaware that the proxy server facilitated the communication.