Principle of Fail-Safe Defaults

The Principle of Fail-Safe Defaults is a key concept in information security that asserts systems should default to a secure state in the event of a failure. This principle ensures that the default configuration of a system denies access unless explicit permissions are granted, thereby minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or actions.

Principle of Fail-Safe Defaults

  1. Deny by Default:
    • Access to resources should be denied unless there is a specific, explicit policy that grants access. This ensures that no one gets access by mistake or oversight.
  2. Secure Failure Modes:
    • When a system encounters an error or failure, it should automatically switch to a secure state. For example, if a firewall fails, it should default to blocking all traffic rather than allowing it.
  3. Explicit Permissions:
    • Access permissions should be clearly defined and granted explicitly rather than implicitly. This reduces the chances of inadvertently giving access to unauthorized users.
  4. Error Handling:
    • Implement robust error handling that defaults to secure options. This includes validating inputs, handling exceptions securely, and ensuring that errors do not expose sensitive information.
  5. Audit and Review:
    • Regularly audit and review configurations and permissions to ensure that default settings are secure and that no unauthorized changes have been made.