SET 1

Attempt any TWO questions   2x10=20

  1. Discuss in brief about e governance in china.
  2. Explain E-Government as Information System with proper diagram.
  3. Compare and contrast Wider dissemination and critical flow model.

Group 'B' (Short questions)

Attempt all the questions (8x5=40)

  1. Explain Biba model. How does it differs from Bell la Padula model? 
  2. What are the Five maturity models in E governance.
  3. Explain Human Infrastructural Preparedness.
  4. Explain Online Service Delivery and Electronic Service Delivery with proper example.
  5. What is Data Mining ? Explain Applications of of data mining. 
  6. Difference between E government and E governance. 
  7. Write a short note on E seva.
  8. What are the Challenges and Approach of E-government Security.