Integrity Constraints:

Integrity constraints are rules defined on a database schema that enforce the consistency and accuracy of data in a relational database. These constraints help maintain the quality of the data and prevent the database from entering into inconsistent states. There are several types of integrity constraints:

  • Entity Integrity Constraint:
    • Ensures that a primary key cannot have a NULL value. It guarantees the uniqueness and non-null status of the primary key attribute.
  • Referential Integrity Constraint:
    • Enforces relationships between tables through foreign key constraints. It ensures that values in a foreign key column match the values in the corresponding primary key column of another table.
  • Domain Integrity Constraint:
    • Enforces the validity of data based on a specific domain. It ensures that values stored in a column meet a specific set of criteria, such as data type, format, or range.
  • Unique Constraint:
    • Ensures that values in a column (or a combination of columns) are unique across all rows in a table. It enforces uniqueness but allows NULL values.
  • Default Constraint:
    • Specifies a default value for a column. If a user does not provide a value when inserting a new record, the default value is used.

Domain Constraints:

Domain constraints are a specific type of integrity constraint related to the definition and validation of data types and values within a specific domain. They ensure that the values entered into a column conform to the defined data type and constraints. Domain constraints are typically defined during the creation of a table and can include specifications such as:

  • Data Type:
    • Specifies the type of data that can be stored in a column, such as INTEGER, VARCHAR, DATE, etc.
  • Length Constraint:
    • Limits the length of character strings that can be stored in a column.
  • Range Constraint:
    • Defines a range of acceptable numeric values for a column.
  • Format Constraint:
    • Specifies a specific format that data in a column must adhere to, such as a date format or a specific pattern for character strings.
  • Enumerated Values:
    • Limits the possible values for a column to a predefined set, creating a list of valid options.


Suppose you have a table called "Employees" with the following domain constraints:

  • The "Salary" column has a range constraint, ensuring that the salary is between $30,000 and $150,000.
  • The "Gender" column is constrained to accept only values 'M' or 'F' as specified in an enumerated list.