• Addressing:
    • Transport layer protocols use addresses to identify the source and destination of data. In the case of TCP/IP, port numbers are used to distinguish between different applications running on a device. This addressing helps in multiplexing and demultiplexing data streams.
  • Establishing and Releasing Connection:
    • For connection-oriented protocols like TCP, establishing a connection involves a three-way handshake (SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK) between the communicating devices. This process ensures that both ends are ready for data exchange. Releasing a connection typically involves a graceful termination process to ensure all data is exchanged before the connection is closed.
  • Flow Control and Buffering:
    • Flow control mechanisms regulate the rate of data transmission to prevent the sender from overwhelming the receiver. This is essential when there's a significant speed difference between sender and receiver. Buffering involves the use of temporary storage (buffers) to hold data during transmission, ensuring a smoother flow and accommodating variations in transmission rates.
  • Error Control:
    • Transport layer protocols implement error control mechanisms to ensure data integrity. This includes error detection using checksums and error correction through retransmission of lost or corrupted data. TCP, for example, employs acknowledgment and retransmission to handle errors.
  • Multiplexing and Demultiplexing:
    • Multiplexing involves combining multiple data streams into a single stream for transmission over a shared medium. Demultiplexing is the process of separating the combined stream into individual streams at the receiving end. Port numbers in TCP/IP protocols are used for this purpose, allowing multiple applications to share the same network connection.
    • In the event of a failure or crash, transport layer protocols, especially those providing reliability like TCP, implement mechanisms for recovery. This includes re-establishing connections, retransmitting lost data, and ensuring that the communication can resume seamlessly after a crash or failure.
  • Addressing:
    • Transport layer protocols use addresses to identify the source and destination of data. In the case of TCP/IP, port numbers are used to distinguish between different applications running on a device. This addressing helps in multiplexing and demultiplexing data streams.
  • Establishing and Releasing Connection:
    • For connection-oriented protocols like TCP, establishing a connection involves a three-way handshake (SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK) between the communicating devices. This process ensures that both ends are ready for data exchange. Releasing a connection typically involves a graceful termination process to ensure all data is exchanged before the connection is closed.
  • Flow Control and Buffering:
    • Flow control mechanisms regulate the rate of data transmission to prevent the sender from overwhelming the receiver. This is essential when there's a significant speed difference between sender and receiver. Buffering involves the use of temporary storage (buffers) to hold data during transmission, ensuring a smoother flow and accommodating variations in transmission rates.
  • Error Control:
    • Transport layer protocols implement error control mechanisms to ensure data integrity. This includes error detection using checksums and error correction through retransmission of lost or corrupted data. TCP, for example, employs acknowledgment and retransmission to handle errors.
  • Multiplexing and Demultiplexing:
    • Multiplexing involves combining multiple data streams into a single stream for transmission over a shared medium. Demultiplexing is the process of separating the combined stream into individual streams at the receiving end. Port numbers in TCP/IP protocols are used for this purpose, allowing multiple applications to share the same network connection.
  • Crash Recovery:
  • In the event of a failure or crash, transport layer protocols, especially those providing reliability like TCP, implement mechanisms for recovery. This includes re-establishing connections, retransmitting lost data, and ensuring that the communication can resume seamlessly after a crash or failure.