The Entity-Relationship (E-R) model is a conceptual data model used in database design to visually represent the relationships between entities (objects, concepts, or things) within a system. This model was introduced by Peter Chen in 1976 and has since become a widely used tool for database designers and developers.

Key Components of the E-R Model:

  • Entities:
    • Entities represent objects, concepts, or things in the real world that can be uniquely identified. For example, in a university database, entities could include "Student," "Course," and "Faculty."
  • Attributes:
    • Attributes are properties or characteristics of entities. Each entity has a set of attributes that describe its properties. For instance, a "Student" entity might have attributes like "StudentID," "FirstName," and "LastName."
  • Relationships:
    • Relationships describe how entities are related to each other. They illustrate the connections and associations between different entities. For example, a "Student" entity may have a relationship with a "Course" entity through the "Enrolls in" relationship.
  • Cardinality:
    • Cardinality defines the number of instances of one entity that can be associated with another entity. It specifies the relationship between entities in terms of one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.
  • Weak Entities:
    • Weak entities are entities that do not have a primary key attribute of their own and rely on a relationship with another entity for identification.
  • Keys:
    • Keys uniquely identify instances of an entity. A primary key is a unique identifier for an entity, and a foreign key is a reference to the primary key of another entity.

Notation in E-R Diagrams:

  • Entities are represented as rectangles.
  • Attributes are represented inside ellipses connected to their respective entities.
  • Relationships are represented as diamond shapes, connecting related entities.
  • Cardinality is indicated using lines and symbols such as "1" and "M" to represent one-to-many relationships.