

(Electronic Knowledge Based Panchayat) 


E-Panchayat is a software product conceptualized, designed and developed by National Information Centre, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, as a part of its E-governance initiatives. E-Panchayat has been designed taking into consideration all the information and knowledge management requirements in a Gram Panchayat. The 1992 Panchayat raj Act of Government of India, and the Success stories of the Gram Panchayats in various states in the country have been taken into consideration while developing e-Panchayat. The Government Order issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh regarding the village secretariat and the functions of the village secretary besides the elected representatives of the gram Panchayat are all considered in this package. Thus e-Panchayat fits well into gram panchayat are all considered in this package. Thus e-Panchayat fits well into the information systems at gram panchayat level. The e-Panchayat fits well into the information systems at gram panchayat level. The e-Panchayat fits well into the information systems at gram panchayat level. The software is web enabled, and citizen-centric. Therefore, even with less overheads the village level functionaries and the citizens are envisaged to benefit by e-Panchayat.     

The Modules

E-Panchayat comprises nearly 30 main modules, and Nearly 150 sub-modules, in line with the 30 sectoral functions of the gram panchayats. Ramachandrapuram Gram Panchayat (Merdak District, Near Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) was taken as panchayat for e-Panchayat.

Gram Panchayat Administration

The module facilitates provision of following information services:

Minutes of meetings

Schedules of Gram Sabhas

Agenda update

Certificates, Licences

Bill payments

Attendance monitoring of the Panchayat functionaries

Gram Panchyat Meeting Management

Gram Panchayat Cleanliness Monitoring

Registration of Births/Deaths/Marriag,e Etc.

SGSU works monitoring, issue of trade licences

Pension schemes management system

Self-help group and other villagers welfare schemes management system.

Assets management, property tax assessment and management.

Property lost/found reporting system 

Encroachments checking and monitoring module

Government orders searching and retrieval system

Village statistics maintenance and reporting system

Intensive sanitation management information system.


This module enables the elected representatives of the gram panchayats to manage the farmers' grievances. 

It facilitates rendering educational services on the best agricultural practices to enhance the yield and reduce expenditure practices to enhance the yield and reduce expenditure and enhance the quality of produce for the farmers. Also it facilitates its agriculture and related department to provide season-specific, region-specific information services to the farmers, apart from offering of counseling services to the farmers by agriculture experts. 

This module also enable the gram Panchayat secretariat to report the agriculture production details of the villages. 

Irrigation and Water Conservation

This module provides information on irrigation canals to the public. It facilitate education on various water harvesting and conservation scheme. The module enables reporting of problems on pipelines, canals, etc. and subsequent review of problems by Sarpanch (or the head of Panchayat or Village Council). 

This module facilitates provision of the following information services: 

Veterinary counseling services

Information on animal diseases 

Information on milk procurement and quality management

Reporting on breed improvement program.

Livestock data collection and reporting


The fisheries module facilitates provision of the following information services:

Fisheries, counseling 

Provision of information on potential fishing zones

Provision of fishermen welfare scheme related information 

Rendering market related information services.

Weather forecasts. 

Social Forestry 

This modules facilities provision of the following information services.

Mobilization of volunteers by secretary.

Submitting report on illegal feeling of trees.

Procurement and management of information on the vegetative resources of the gram panchayat.


This module provides the following information services:

Registration of voters

Objection to voters list

Elected representative information 

Publication of electoral role

Dissemination of electoral roles.

This module extends following information services: 

Loans/schemes for entrepreneurs

Raw material sources

Market information

Marketing services

Loan repayment

Information on income generating projects.


The module provides information service such as:

Low cost housing technique information 

Apply for housing scheme

Loan recovery status information

Information on housing


Information services provided under the module are:

Information on water clearing technology 

Approved vender’s information for water treatment.

Water sources information

Problems reporting and counseling

Fodder and Fuel

This module provided information services on:

Smokeless chullas 

Bio-gas plants 

Application for sanction subsidized loans for setting 

Problems reporting in maintaining the plants 

Request for samplings

Energy saving techniques.

Roads, Bridges and Culverts

Under this module the information services available are:

Submission of proposals by people

Authentication of cost estimates

Maintenance problems reporting

Monitoring the repair activities.

Street Lighting and Electric Supply

The module facilitates provision of following information service

Proposal for erecting polls and transformers.

Problems reposting on electrical lamps replacement

Status on bulbs procured/replaced

Electrical correction application.

Payment of electrical bills

Alternative Energies  

Information services available under the module are:

Information on Solar Water Heater

Solar Cookers/Dryers

Wind Mills. Wind Zoning information

Information on Bio-gas plants (Rich busk based)

Submission on available bio-mass.

Directory of manufacturers 

Poverty Eradication

The following information service are provided by this module.

Authentication of BPL status

Applying for schemes by citizens 

Verify credentials

Analyze the requests

Funds disbursement status

Feedback on the beneficiaries

Information on income generating schemes.

Primary Education

This modules provides information services on:

Inventory of schools

Resource available at schools

Teachers information 

Teaching materials

Enrolment status

Information dropouts

Technical Education 

Information made available under the module are as follows:

Inventory of ITI and Polytechnic Institutes 

Details of courses offered

Apply the administration 

Schedule of training program

Problems reporting and counseling   by technicians

Results and other information.


This module facilities provision of information services such as  

Information on library tax collected

Details on expenditure on books procurement in village library 

Requests for new books information by Public

Preservation of books.

Cultural Program

The module facilities provision on information services such as:

Directory of libraries 

Information on library tax collected 

Details on expenditure on books procurement in village library 

Requests for new books information by public

Preservation of books.

Cultural Program

The module provided information on:

Enrolment of articles

Training the artist

Schedule of program

Information on opportunities


The modules facilitate information service on:

Price information on food grains

Vegetable price

Marketing services

Scheme information



This module provide following information:

Disease information 

Communicable diseases

Attendance of doctors in PHC

Status of medicines and consumable

Women and Child Welfare

The modules extends information services such as:

Immunization schedules 

Nutrition program, ICDS schemes information

Eligible children and nursing mothers information updating 

Schedule of campus

Counseling by health workers

Social Welfare

Under the module information service available are:

Atrocities reporting

Welfare scheme information

Inventory handicapped persons

Donors information 


Apply for schemes.

Cottage Industries 



Loans application

Marketing services

Raw materials sources information

Weaker Sections Welfare

This module offers information service on:

Atrocities reporting

Welfare scheme 

Inventory and weaker artisans

Marketing service

Produce of weaker sections

Public Distribution

Information services available in this module are:

FB shops

Stock status 

Card holder information

Problems report

Protection of Property

The module facilitates information services such as:

Encroachment complex

Status of encroachment


Tax collection bills.

Land Records module of e-Panchayat enable Land Records Maintenance by village secretary and rendering verification and certification service to the citizens. This also facilitates land revenue management, with appropriate reports to the revenue/gram Panchayat official and the citizens.

Village Accounting System (VAS)

Follows are the features of VAS:

Cash transactions

Bill receipts

DDS and challan receipts

Automatic challan submission

Treasury payments

Classified accounts

All kinds of taxes, fee collections (online/offline)

Cheques/DDs reconciliation.

Reports (Daily collection report)



Monthly classifications

Challan receipts

Demand and collection reports.

Other Village Services (OVS)

Births and Deaths Registrations

Capturing of event details

Name inclusion

Non-availability certificate 

Registration of events

Issuance of certificates 


Property Tax and Vacant Land Tax

Assessment as per monthly rental value 

Warrants and distrains

Title transfers

Demand collections

Write-off and temporary remissions

Vacancy remissions


Special notice/endorsements/demand notices

Registers/Field books/Defaults

Dangerous and Offensive Trades 

Issue of licenses


Renewal certificates 

Demand notices

Fee collection.

Water Tap Connection and Water Tax Collection 

Sanction of metered/Non-metered connections 



Work orders/Endorsements

Demand notices

Collection of water charges.

Advertisement Tax

Advertiser registration

Unauthorized advertisements



Tendered advertisements

Demand notice

Collection of rents/Lease amounts

Building Permissions

Building approval for residential/groups housing/now

Housing/commercial/educational institutions/industries

Planning fee 

Technical scrutiny


Issue of occupancy certificates

Unauthorized buildings. 

Unauthorized buildings


Building Permission 

Building approvals for residential/groups housing/now 

Housing commercial/educational institutions/industries 

Planning fee

Technical security


Issue of occupancy certificates

Unauthorized buildings


Projects and Works Monitoring

Contactor registrations   

Standard schedules rates

Estimate cost value 

Fund allocation

Tendered notices

Tender schedules 

Work order 

Execution of work orders

Monitoring of works

Payments and recoveries

Grievance Redressal

Grievance registrations.  

Pendency monitoring seat/section wise.

Assets and Inventory

Assets/Inventory registrations 

Maintenance of assets

Inventory management 

Rental/Lease of assets

Court cases

Filing suits 

Monitoring of cases at different stages such as admission, interim order, hearing, judgement, appeal, disposal of suits.

Financial Accounting

Head of accounts 



Chitta and each book

Demand collection balance.

Disbursement of Old Age/Widow and Disable Pensions

Accepting applications for old age/widow/disabled pensions from anywhere on the internet under NOAP Scheme of Government of India Generation of acknowledgement slip for the same.

Generation of acknowledgement slip for the same

Reporting the sanction status of the application accepted 

Online disbursement of old age pension along with generation of acquaintance roll  

Generation of list and summary reports and disbursement and funds details for monitoring the scheme progress

Reporting he disbursement status of the Beneficiaries. 

Linkage to MPHS data and SSIDs for verifying beneficiaries data.

SGRY and Other Works Monitoring

Accepting work requests from anywhere on the Internet 

Capturing work details related to all the works as accepted by the Grama-Sabha resolution along with work estimates and technical details

Capturing tender details of Works funded by Gram Panchayat.

Capturing work stages and sanction details of works 

Capturing funds details on allocation and releases with respect to cash and food grains as part of SGRY, 11th Finance Commission Schemes 

Allotment of laborers/beneficiaries to works 

Payment of wages in case and food grains to beneficiaries along with generation of acquaintance and maintenance of master rolls.

Generation of work agreement and work orders to agencies/contractors in case of works funded by gram panchayat

Capturing voucher-wise works expenditure details

Reporting of physical and financial progress of works

Reporting on man-days generated with respect to SGRY stream I and II schemes

Generation of cash books related to SGRY, EFC and GP funds.

Reporting to MDO and DPO on Government of India formats

Generation of beneficiary lists and work stage details on all works 

Reporting of work status.


E-Panchayat aims to cover all information requirement of the village Panchayat, both form the staff angle and the citizen angle.

E-Panchayat is already operationalized (by National Information Centre, Hyderabad) in several pilot village in Andhra Pradesh. A rollout plan for implementation at the national level is being taken up. This case study summarizes the main features of e-Panchayat.