The security architecture of E-governance is a high level document that set the security goals of e-governance project and describe the procedure that need to be followed by all the e-governance hierarchy such as users, businesses, operators etc. 



Security Layers Description 

Network Security: (authentication, firewall protection, network intrusion detections,)

Application Security: use of software, hardware, and procedural methods to protect applications from external threats. 

Personnel/User Security: various authentication mechanisms for verification of user identify such as two-factor authentication, biometrics 

Data Security: deals with security mechanism adopted for keeping data protected from corruption and unauthorized access to ensure data privacy 

Platform /Host Security: Platform security deals with the security mechanisms adopted on servers, workstations and operating systems. 

Physical Security: Physical security refers to the security characteristics concerned with restricting physical access by unauthorized personnel

Cross Pillars

Incident Response: to address and manage any security breach or attack. 

          Business Continuity and ICT Disaster Recovery:  ensure that essential business functions and ICT                      operations can continue during and after a disaster. 

Threat and Vulnerability Management: to identify risks and mitigation control in the ICT environment.

          ICT Asset Management: to manage ICT assets throughout their lifecycle.

Measurement and Reporting: provides information on the health check of the ICT appliances and Systems.