
E-governance is a development, deployment, and enforcement of the policies, laws, and  regulations necessary for developing cooperation, networking and partnerships between  government units, citizens and the business.



E-government specifically refers to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to transform and improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of government processes and service delivery. 


Comparison between E-government and E-governance

  • E-government is a system whereas E-governance is a functionality.  
  • E-government means the application of ICT in government operations, as a tool to  make better government. E-governance, on the other hand, implies the use of ICT  in transforming and supporting functions and structures of the system.  
  • It is a one-way protocol but E-governance is a two-way protocol(government to  citizen and vice versa)  
  • E-governance is the part of E-government. E-governance never comes alone.  

Introduction to E governance - Watch full video here