DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


Expanding the use of information technology for the economic development of Nepal  in order to keep pace with the worldwide rapid development and use in the field of  information technology is the desired need of today. It is necessary to make maximum  use of the possibilities and opportunities that the information technology sector can  contribute significantly to the sustainable development of the economic and social  sector of Nepal. It seems necessary to speed up the use of information technology in  providing certainty to good governance while achieving efficiency in the flow of  public services.  

In Nepal, the private sector is rapidly increasing the use of information technology. It  is considered that there has been a significant increase in the performance level of the  private sector, but there has not been an effective system of regulation to make the  increasing use of information technology in the private sector credible. The  Department of Information Technology has been formed in the background of a lack  of an official structural system for effective regulation to control the disorders that  may come from it by systematically promoting the increased use of information  technology in the private sector from the center to the local level.  


The National Information Technology Policy 2067 is under implementation to achieve  the goals of social and economic transformation and sustainable development  including good governance, and poverty alleviation by making maximum use of  information technology. Under the Ministry of Science, Technology, and  Environment, the Department of Information Technology was formed by the decision  of 2069/2/11 of the Council of Ministers to carry out the research, development, use,  and regulation of information technology in an effective manner and to play the role  of regulator and catalyst in the field of information technology.  


To conduct the analysis, the following methods were employed:  

Website Evaluation:  

The website was examined for its design, layout, navigation, and responsiveness  across different devices.  

User Feedback:  

Surveys and interviews were conducted to gather user opinions and feedback  regarding their experience with the website. 

Comparative analysis:  

Similar e-Governance websites from other countries were studied to benchmark the  website's performance.  

Fig: Comparative Analysis Model Architecture 


DoIT was initiated to meet the following key objectives:  

1. Create e-infrastructure which facilitates and promotes e-governance.  

2. Develop the Information Technology Enabled Services (IT-ITeS) industry.  

3. Safe Cyberspace.  

Organization Structure  

                                    Fig: DoIT Organization Structure  

Aim and Vision  


Make DoIT an engine of socio-economic transformation in a developed new Nepal. 


Providing all government services through an automated system by making maximum  use of information technology. 


Achieving national development goals by utilizing good governance, poverty  alleviation and the benefits of information technology.  


The "doit.gov.np" website offers a range of features to its users. These include:  

  •  Online registration for citizenship, passport, and driving license.  
  •  Online payment options for these services.  
  •  Tracking of application status.  
  •  A user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.  
  •  Availability in both English and Nepali languages.  

Website and Services  

The department has a website developed by the ministry of communication and  information technology (MoCIT) with the domain name of " https://doit.gov.np/". Through this website citizen is provided the following important services along with  other services:  

1. Government Integrated Office Management System:  

2. G Cloud  

3. E Village  

4. E School  

5. Centralized SMS Gateway  

6. Centralized E-Attendance  

7. Security Audit  

8. Website/Application Monitoring System  

9. Mobile Apps  

10. Training  

11. IT Training  

12. IT Profiling  

13. GEA  

14. Government Integrated Website Management System:  

15. Process Monitoring System  

16. Local Levels Mobile App  

17. Digital content  

18. Integrated IT Service Center 

Analysis and Findings  

1. Design and User Interface:  

  •  The website features a clean and professional design with a consistent color  scheme and branding elements.  
  •  The layout is well-organized, making it easy for users to find relevant information  and services.  
  •  The user interface is intuitive, with clear labels and logical navigation menus.  2. Functionality and Content:  
  •  The website offers a wide range of government services and information,  including online forms, applications, and downloadable documents.  
  •  The search functionality is robust, allowing users to quickly locate specific  services or documents.  
  •  The website incorporates multilingual support, enabling users to switch between  Nepali and English languages.  
  •  Regular updates are made to the website, ensuring that the information provided is  accurate and up to date.  

3. Usability and Accessibility:  

  •  The website is optimized for various devices, including desktops, tablets, and  mobile phones, ensuring a seamless user experience across platforms.  
  •  The content is well-structured and easily scannable, improving accessibility for  individuals with visual impairments.  
  •  The website follows accessibility guidelines, including proper color contrast and  alt tags for images, to ensure compatibility with assistive technologies.  

4. User Experience and Impact:  

  •  User feedback indicates a positive overall experience, with users appreciating the  convenience of accessing government services online.  
  •  The website has reduced the need for physical visits to government offices, saving  time and effort for citizens.  
  •  It has improved transparency and accountability by providing access to  government information and announcements in a timely manner.  
  •  The website has increased public participation by enabling citizens to provide  feedback, suggestions, and complaints online.  

Impact of "doit.gov.np" on citizens:  

The launch of "doit.gov.np" has had a significant impact on the citizens of Nepal. It has made  the process of obtaining government documents much easier and faster. Citizens no longer  have to stand in long queues or visit government offices multiple times to get their work  done. They can now complete their applications online from the comfort of their homes. 

Challenges faced in the implementation of "doit.gov.np":  

While the launch of "doit.gov.np" has been a success, there have been some challenges faced  in its implementation. These include:  

  •  Limited internet access in rural areas.  
  •  Lack of awareness among citizens about the website and its services.  
  •  Technical glitches in the website.  


Based on the analysis conducted, the following recommendations are suggested to  further enhance the e-Governance website:  

  •  Implement a user-centric design approach by conducting user research and usability  testing to identify areas for improvement.  
  •  Enhance the website's responsiveness and load times to ensure optimal performance  on all devices and internet connections.  
  •  Introduce additional interactive features, such as live chat support to provide real-time  assistance to users.  
  •  Continuously update and expand the content to cover a broader range of government  services and information.  
  •  Regularly conduct user satisfaction surveys to gather feedback and insights for  ongoing improvements.  


The e-Governance website "https://doit.gov.np/" demonstrates the Government of  Nepal's commitment to providing convenient and accessible online services to its  citizens. The analysis indicates that the website has effectively enhanced governance  processes and public service delivery. By implementing the recommended  improvements, the website can further improve user experience and promote  transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement. The insights from this case  study contribute to the understanding of effective e-Governance website development  and its potential for enhancing public services.