Computerization in Andhra Pradesh 


The operations of the Andhra Pradesh State Trading Corporation (APSTC) have been computerized by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Andhra Pradesh State Unit. Hyderabad. This activity comprise comprised hardware procurement, installation, network installation in the campus of APSTC, systems study and analysis, systems, design, software development and implementation, and training handholding of the users. This project was successfully completed and is presently operations. In the following sections of this case study, the background of the existing system is presented followed by the details of all computerized system.   

The Existing System

Andhra Pradesh State Trading Corporation Limited (APSTC) is an approved terminal operator of Cargo Air Terminal Complex Hyderabad. In this capacity APSTC is authorized to handle the work relating to export, import and unaccompanied cargo.

APSTC cargo terminal complex has four major sections, viz. 

  • Import godown
  • Export godown
  • Unaccompanied Baggage (UB) godown
  • Accounts section

It has two primary functions, viz. :

  • As custodian of import cargo, commercial and incoming unaccompanied baggage.
  • Handling of the export cargo as well as outgoing unaccompanied baggage (personal effects).

Summary of the work flow of the cargo operations follows:

Import of Commercial Goods/Unaccompanied Baggage 

This involves the following steps:

  1. Unloading of cargo/unaccompanied baggage by airlines at Hyderabad Airport.
  2. Transportation under customs escort and deposit of import cargo at import godown of APSTC by airliners. 
  3. Verification of goods against IGM/air way will by APSTC.
  4. Presentation of cargo for examination/inspection to customs by APSTC on requisition by customs.
  5.  Customs clearance of import cargo on the basis of documents prepared by Importer/CHA (Custom house agent).
  6. Raising of bills by APSTC for handling and other service. 
  7. Collection of APSTC charges from importer/consistence. 
  8. Preparation of gate pass and delivery of goods to importer by APSTC. 

Export of Commercial Goods/Unaccompanied Baggage

The entails the following steps:

  1. Exporter deposits commercial cargo/unaccompanied baggage at export godown.
  2. Verification of goods by APSTC based on documents presented by exporter. 
  3. Presentation of cargo for customs inspection/examination by APSTC on customs requisition.
  4. Customs clearance of export cargo on the basis of documents presented by exporter.
  5.  Raising of bills by APSTC for handling and other service, and payment of the same by the exporter.
  6. Handling over of the export cargo to airlines under customs escort.

Import of Cargo

APSTC will act as custodian for commercial cargo/unaccompanied baggage  arriving at Hyderabad airport. Airport Authorities unload the cargo at Hyderabad airport and the same will be transported in an airlines vehicles under the customs escort to APSTC import godown.

The godown official receives the goods and verifies the same against IGM/Airway bills. Information such as IGM No. address of consignee, number of packets, their weight etc. are entered into a register (Mother Register) and an acknowledgement is issued to airlines. The goods are stacked in godown and their location is recorded in the location register.

The importer files a bill of entry enclosing all required documents with customs official. After verifying the documents the customs authorities will issue a requisition slip for inspection/examination of import cargo. After the requisition by customs official the goods are presented for examination/inspection by godown official. After checkout order, i.e. clearance by customs, the Accounts Section of APSTC, raises a challan/bill for handling storage, demurrage (if applicable), and for other service.

The importer pays APSTC charges and presents the receipt for delivery of goods to godown section. The godown officials prepare the gate pass and deliver the goods to importer. These official also update the relevant columns like delivery order No. and payment details in the mother register before they prepare the gate pass.

The procedure is same by and large for import of unaccompanied baggage (UB).

Export of Cargo

Exporter or his agent deposits the cargo with export godown of APSTC terminal cargo office along with AR4/invoice details. The concerned manager verifies the details against the application and invoice. The details such as consignee's address, number of packets, their weight. etc. are entered in deposit register. He also prepares an acknowledgement and issues to the party/agent.

The exporter will then file invoice details along with other documents with customs. After scrutinizing the document, the customs officer prepares a requisition slip for examination of goods. The APSTC will present the export cargo for examination.

After examination of goods, customs issue a let export order and goods are ready for shipment. Airway bill number is market on all export packages by godown officials. The accounts sections of APSTC raise a challan/bill for service such as handling, wharfage, forklift, storage etc.

The exporter or his agent pays APSTC service charges and submits LEO, airway bill and payment receipt to export officer for getting a gate pass. The concerned godown official updates the deposit register with challan number, amount paid, etc, and prepares a gate pass for of cargo.

Computerized System

The computerized system takes care of the existing systems data flow and procedure completely and generates all reports of manual system. It is built around client- server architecture with Visual Basic as front end and MY-SQL server as back end. As computerized system is implemented over LAN, the required data flows automatically from section without manual intervention. Each section gets the screen required for his work of data entry/ updating. It also gets relevant detail for information but he is not permitted to update the information entered in other section.


The following additional precautions were taken to enforce additional security: 

  1. Users name of person who entered the data/modifications (only one should be maintained by the system.)
  2. Deleting the data not be allowed
  3. Modification of data by Managers only.
  4. Retention of old challan no. in case of the can of the cancellation/modification of challan.
  5. In case the payment for the APSTC service charges in made by a challan in bank the godown section will enter the details of the payment into the computerized system.
  6. The software should have two independent modules to take care of the old/new charging policies of STC.