Big ‘O’ notation and Efficiency of sorting

Big O notation, often written as O(), in the context of algorithm analysis, it's used to describe the worst-case scenario for the time or space complexity of an algorithm.

| Algorithm | Best Case | Average Case | Worst Case | Space |
| Insertion | O(n)      | O(n^2)       | O(n^2)     | O(1)  |
| Merge     | O(n log n)| O(n log n)   | O(n log n) | O(n)  |
| Radix     | O(n * k)  | O(n * k)     | O(n * k)   | O(n+k)|
| Shell     | O(n log n)| -            | O(n(log n)^2)| O(1)  |
| Heap      | O(n log n)| O(n log n)   | O(n log n) | O(1)  |