E-government offers a wide range of benefits for both governments and citizens. Some of them are discussed below:

Improved Accessibility:

E-government services can be accessed online, making them available 24/7. This enhances accessibility for citizens who  can access services from the comfort of their homes or offices.

Cost Savings:

By digitizing processes, governments can achieve cost savings in terms of reduced paperwork, manual labor, and physical infrastructure. E-government often results in more cost-effective service delivery.

Increased Transparency:

Online platforms provide a transparent view of government processes, policies, and decisions. Citizens can access information about government activities, expenditures, and performance, promoting accountability.

Enhanced Citizen Engagement:

E-government encourages citizen participation through online platforms. Citizens can provide feedback, participate in surveys, and engage in discussions on government policies, fostering a more participatory democracy.

Faster Service Delivery:

Online services reduce the time it takes to deliver services to citizens. Processes that may have taken weeks or months in a traditional setting can be completed more quickly through digital channels.

Reduction of Corruption:

Digitized processes and online transactions can help reduce opportunities for corruption by minimizing direct interactions between citizens and government officials. Transparent digital systems make it easier to track and audit transactions.

Convenience for Businesses:

E-government simplifies interactions for businesses, allowing them to complete regulatory requirements, apply for licenses, and submit reports online. This streamlines business operations and contributes to economic development.

Global Connectivity and Collaboration:

E-government facilitates global connectivity and collaboration. Governments can share best practices, adopt international standards, and collaborate with other countries on common issues.

Increased Trust in Government:

Transparent, efficient, and citizen-centric e-government services can contribute to increased trust in government institutions. When citizens see that their needs are addressed promptly and fairly, it enhances the credibility of the government.

Benefits of E governance- Watch full video here