1. Balanced Scorecard is the management system that focuses on big-picture strategic goals and helps organizations to choose the right things to measures so that they can reach those goals. How balanced score-card benefits organization to reach their goal? Explain this by taking examples of any organization (Eg. Nokia, Samsung, Apple or any organization of your wish). Also explain the four perspective of balanced scorecard. 

A management tool called the balanced scorecard assistsfirms in matching their strategic objectives with their operational initiatives. Organizations can use it to monitor their goals' progress and spot areas for improvement. The use of a balanced scorecard has advantages such as better communication, increased focus on important strategic goals, better resource alignment, and improved performance management. 

Take Apple as an example, for instance. Increasing market share, enhancing customer satisfaction, and creating new, innovative goods could all be among Apples strategic objectives. 

Apple can use the Balanced Scorecard to monitor performance in four important areas in order to meet these objectives. 

These four viewpoints make up a balanced scorecard as well. 

(a) Financial Perspective 

(b) Customer Perspective 

(c) Internal Processes Perspective

(d) Learning and Growth Perspective 

2. . Describe CIA of security. Explain consumer and enterprise layered security strategies. 

The CIA triad, which stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, is a well-known information security concept. Information must be kept private in order to be protected from unauthorized disclosure, accurate and consistent data must be present, and the information must always be available to authorized users. This model serves as a framework for analyzing and developing security measures in enterprises to protect their valuables and sensitive data from loss, harm, or illegal access. 

Consumer Layered Security It is a concern to protect individual personaldevices, data and online accounts from cyber threats such as phishing attacks, malware and identity threat. The approach includes the following layers of protection. 

Enterprise Layered Security : This includes multiple layer of protection to secure an organization. The layer includes Identity and Access management, Security Monitoring and Response, Data protection, Network Security. 

3. Explain about the Supply chain Management (SCM), Business Value of SCM, Benefits of SCM and the Causes of SCM failures in detail. 

The process of managing the flow of goods and services from the collection of raw materials through the ultimate delivery of the product to the end user is known as supply chain management (SCM).

To ensure the efficient and successful circulation of products, it requires coordination and collaboration across numerous departments, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. 

SCM has value for businesses because it helps them cut expenses, boost productivity, and enhance customer service. Organizations can boost profitability by streamlining their supply chains and achieving better inventory management, shorter lead times, and quicker responses to market demands. 

Increased customer satisfaction, better risk management, lower inventory holding costs, and improved supply chain visibility are all advantages of SCM. Additionally, it enables businesses to improve the performance of their supply chains, streamline processes, and gain a competitive advantage. 

SCM failures, however, can be caused by a number of factors, including inadequate communication, a lack ofteamwork, a lack ofsupply chain visibility, and ineffective supply chain planning. Inaccurate forecasting, poor demand management, insufficient inventory management, and supplier disruptions are further reasonsfor SCM failures. Failures like this can damage an organization's performance and reputation by disrupting the supply chain, losing clients, and raising prices. 

4. What are the benefits of Customer relationship management? Differentiate horizontal integration and vertical integration. 

Customer relationship management (CRM) has the following advantages: (a) Improved customer satisfaction 

(b) Increased customer retention 

(c) Increased Sales

(d) Streamlined business processes 

(e) Better collaboration and communication 


Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration

occurs when a business buys or merges with another business that works in the same sector.

Occurs when a company expands its operations by acquiring with com- panies that operates in different stages of the supply chain

offers a wide range of services with the intention of increasing market share and gaining a competitive edge.

By combining operations like distribution, it seeks to regulate the supply chain and save costs.


5. Define Intelligent Agent. What is an inference engine? With a neat diagram explain the system architecture of Expert System? 

An intelligent system is a program that is designed to perform specific task autonomously and make decision based on its environment and data. 

Intelligent agents are equipped with: Learning capabilities, Goal oriented behaviour and Autonomy 

An expert system's inference engine performs reasoning and decision-making based on knowledge and data that are at hand. The usage of rule-based systems is a crucial aspect of artificial intelligence. 

The non-expert user submits the query and receives the response through the user interface. The field where the user can interact makes up the user interface.

The rules and the data are fetched from the knowledge base by the interface engine, which consists of roles and logic. Data received from the expert system and through various learning mechanisms, such as feedback, make up the knowledge base. 

6. Describe the role of planning and business models in the development of business/IT strategies, architectures and applications. 

While creating business/IT strategies, structures, and applications, planning and business models are essential. By determining the required resources, actions, and dates, planning entails building a roadmap for accomplishing corporate goals and objectives. Business models are conceptualframeworks that explain how an organization develops, delivers, and acquires value. They also aid in understanding the main forces that drive an organization. 

Organizations can develop effective strategies, structures, and applications that support their corporate objectives by applying planning and business models. These technologies support resource optimization, increased operational effectiveness, and identification of potential hazards and opportunities. Additionally, they aid in identifying key players and their functions inside the company,facilitating efficient communication and teamwork. 

7. Describe critical success factors and its importance for change management.

The critical success factors (CSFs) are the essential conditions that must be met for a project or initiative to be successful. CSFs are the crucial components that must be addressed in the framework of change management in order to guarantee that the change is implemented properly and produces the desired results. 

CSFs are crucial for change management because they can serve as a framework for decision-making and serve as a roadmap for the creation of strategies and action plans. Change managers can concentrate their efforts on the most crucial areas and organize their resources and actions accordingly by identifying the main variables that must be accomplished. 

Additionally, CSFs aid in ensuring that the change initiative is on course and that the anticipated results are being reached. They offer a way to gauge success and assess the efficiency ofthe change management procedure. 

8. Explain the basic concept behind Googles Page rank algorithm. Explain the Bow-Tie model of web structure, Briefly explain any one area in which a recommender system is used. 

The Google Page Ranking algorithm is a ranking system that bases a webpage's value on the quantity and caliber of links pointing to it. Pages with more links from reputable websites are thought to be more significant and pertinent than pages with fewer links or links from questionable sources. Each link to a page is treated by the algorithm as a "vote" for that page, with links from reputable and pertinent websites being given more weight. By classifying websites according to their perceived importance and relevance to the user's search query, Google's page rank algorithm, in general, returns more relevant search results. 

The Bow-Tie model of web structure is a visualization tool that is commonly used to represent the structure of a website. It is called the Bow-Tie model

because it resembles a bow-tie, with the central part of the tie representing the main content of the website, and the two loops representing the inbound and outbound links. It consists offour main components: 

(a) Core - Represents the central set of webpages that are highly connected and form the center ofthe web. 

(b) In-component - Represents the set of webpages that are linked to the core, but dont link to the outer pages ofthe core. 

(c) Out-component - Represents the set of webpages that are linked from the core but dont link back to other pages in core. 

(d) Tendrils - Represents the set of webpages that are not directly connected to the core but are linked to the pages in the in-out component. 

Recommender systems are used in various areas, such as e-commerce, social media, and content streaming platforms, to provide personalized recommendations to users. One area in which recommender systems are used is in online advertising. Advertisers use recommender systems to target their ads to users who are most likely to be interested in their products or services. These systems use data such 

9. Why is data management important in the cloud? What are the best practices for managing data in the cloud? Explain any two of them. 

Data management is crucial in the cloud due to the large amounts of data being generated and stored in cloud systems. Data availability, accessibility, and security are ensured by effective data management, which is necessary for businesses to make informed decisions.

Data classification and labeling -entails classifying the many types ofstored data and giving each type a label based on how sensitive it is. This procedure aids in making sure that data is handled and safeguarded in accordance with its importance to the organization. 

Backup and disaster recovery - Businesses should have a backup and recovery strategy in place to make sure that important data is not lost in the case of a catastrophe. This procedure entails setting up a recovery procedure in the event of data loss and storing backup data in multiple locations to ensure redundancy. 

10. Write short notes on: 

a. Policy-based Encryption 

Policy-based encryption is a technique for encrypting data based on prede-fined policies. It involves setting rules and conditions for encrypting data to ensure compliance with security and privacy regulations. For instance, organizations can define policies that require certain types of data to be en- crypted or specify the conditions under which data should be encrypted. This 8 technique helps to protect sensitive data by restricting access to authorized users only. It can be applied to various types of data, including emails, files, and network traffic, and is commonly used in industries such as healthcare, finance, and government to protect confidential information. 

b. Group Decision Support System 

A computer-based system called a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) is created to support group decision-making. 

It offers features and tools for information exchange, discussion of concepts, and evaluation of alternatives. Regardless of where they are located, the system enables players to interact and communicate in real-time.

By lowering biases, promoting participation, and fostering consensus, GDSS improves the quality of group decisions. 

The system has capabilities like voting methods, decision trees, and electronic brainstorming. GDSS is employed in a variety of fields, including business, education, government, and healthcare, where it can aid in streamlining and boosting efficiency in decision-making procedures.